Order-No. 9214


Book:  Embossing, Punching, Guilloche' Engraving  ---

            Contemporary Artisanal Jewellery Production

A book about the areas " Embossing, Punching, Gilloche' Engraving " in the Pforzheimer jewelry industry.

1. Edition May 2017

Editor: Prof. Andreas Gut, Frieda Dörfer  (Hochschule Pforzheim)

155 pages, scores of drawing and pictures,  german / english


Embossing, punching and guilloche' engraving are techniques that have almost fadet into oblivion. Trailblazing manufactory-style production methods in the 19.th century, they were curcial to the rise of Pforzheim's jewellery industry. Now they are experiencing a new lease of life in contemporary jewellery.

The " Manufactory-Style Jewellery Design " project, including the " Pforzheim Requested " semester project, fosters the trditioning of experiential knowledge through the collabroation of artisans and designers from three generations. Thanks to their commintment, it was included by the German Commission for UNESCO in the german Register of " Best Safeguarding Practices for Intangible Cultural Heritage " in 2015.

This book documents the projet's success using interviews and archival material, explains how the machines work, and illustrates how a piece of jewellery is created.

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