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In recent years, the laser has established itself as a revolutionary tool in many areas of industrial production, medicine, communications technology, jewelry production, etc.
Laser Schweißen - Schmuck - Siro Lasertec
Video is for illustrative purposes only and may also show products from other manufacturers.
Why laser welding?
The market's constantly growing demands on quality and deadline-bound production quickly make the use of the laser welding device worthwhile. The laser welding device is a tool that significantly advances the "joining" production stage and enables even the most complicated connections. Production and repairs that were difficult or impossible to complete using traditional joining techniques can be mastered using laser welding technology. Welding in the immediate vicinity of stones, pearls, plastics, glass or other sensitive materials is no problem. The safe joining of a wide variety of metals can be achieved without any danger to the workpiece.
Laser Welding - Jewelery - Siro Lasertec
Video is for illustrative purposes only and may also show products from other manufacturers.
Are you interested?
Our partner for laser welding will be happy to advise you, because not all lasers are the same! Lasers differ in terms of power, safety, comfort and price. This makes competent specialist advice and detailed instruction in this manufacturing technology all the more important.
Daily price / price on request
Please note that due daily updated raw material prices and / or price conditions from our suppliers, you first will receive an order confirmation before processing your order. We ask for your understanding that the processing of the order may be delayed.
Time of delivery
This item is not on stock at the moment. If we are not able to ship this item within 5 days and/or the price will change, we will contact you.